1st Phorm
It's that crazy vision of what you truly aspire to be in life that recurs over and over and over again. The courage one must possess to go after that dream is what sets extraordinary people apart from everyone else. Fear must be eliminated, faith must prevail and you have to trust wholeheartedly that you can achieve and become your vision. The path may not always be clear, but you can't let that stop you from taking action to pursue the end result you believe in. Every single day you have the choice of whether to take steps toward or away from that dream, but regardless of what you choose, the dream will always exist.
Success is a long journey that begins with a decision to take all of your strength, courage, faith, tenacity ... and fearlessly take that first step forward, knowing you cannot and will not fail. That first step is followed by another and another until moving in the right direction becomes natural. It becomes a part of you and is no longer something you struggle for, it’s just something that you do.
There are no short cuts. You have to be prepared to push on when your body is tired and your mind is screaming for you to quit. That moment is when the depth of your conviction and belief in the vision that is embedded in your soul must drive you through to create your destiny.
It is up to you to take steps against the grain, against all odds, against all negative influences, against all the nonbelievers and move forward daily with all of your heart. It is up to you to believe in yourself. It's up to you to have the courage to be the best. It is up to you to Never Settle.
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